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Pickit 3D Vision: The Future of Industrial Automation?

Pickit 3D Camera

Pickit 3D Camera, picture from Pickit

As we enter the era of smart factories, automation is playing a critical role in transforming the manufacturing industry. One of the key technologies driving this transformation is 3D vision, or the “eyes of the robot.” Among the leading companies in this field is Pickit, which offers a 3D vision platform that enables easy and convenient deployment of robotic automation while maximizing flexibility. However, as with any new technology, the question arises: can Pickit 3D Vision deliver on its promises? Let’s take a closer look.

The Rise of Pickit 3D Vision

Pickit is a Belgium-based company specializing in 3D vision, and its 3D vision platform is designed to be easy to engineer for robotics SI (system integration). This allows customers to realize the automation of smart factories while the product is easy and convenient to use. The biggest advantage of Pickit’s products is that all processes can be programmed through 3D vision without requiring professional coding training.

According to Pickit Korea’s Country Director Brian Kim, Pickit 3D Vision meets all key requirements for its customers’ automation scenarios: minimal cost, flexibility, and easy maintenance. As 3D vision becomes an integral part of the smart factory, 3D vision specialist Pickit is being recognized as a solution leader. Pickit’s 3D vision platform is highly precise and flexible, consisting of three levels: core technology components, automation scenario intelligence (ASIQ), and application UI.

Success Stories of Pickit 3D Vision Implementation

Pickit’s solutions have been successfully implemented in various industries, including automotive bearing parts, aerospace, and precision machining and welding of pipes. For instance, one of the notable implementations of Pickit’s 3D vision was a bin picking application for an automotive bearing parts company. The technology was applied to the task of removing thin, small ring-shaped parts out of the bin. The customer was very satisfied with the usability, and the ROI (return on investment) was excellent, averaging one year and two months. Additional supply contracts are in progress.

Another successful application of Pickit’s 3D vision was the realization of fueling automation in the aerospace industry. Robotic guidance was implemented to locate aviation fueling stations, which are difficult to find because they are not fixed, with a “Pickit M camera”. This technology is expected to be applied to electric vehicle charging facilities in the future.

The Potential of Pickit 3D Vision

Pickit 3D Vision is expected to stand out in the fields of industrial robot automation and collaborative robot automation. In the field of industrial robot automation, complex teaching processes can be minimized. Once the first teaching operation is performed, no further teaching is required. Customers can then benefit from a pick-and-place solution that minimizes their footprint, reduces downtime, and minimizes engineering costs.

Pickit’s propriety technology greatly enhance the information provided by 3D point cloud. Picture from Pickit.

For customers adopting collaborative robot automation, Pickit’s 3D vision has a lot of advantages for robot engineers. Collaborative robots are characterized by their freedom of movement and flexibility, and Pickit’s 3D vision solution can maximize the advantages of collaborative robots and respond to various environments.

Pickit’s Focus on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

More than 50% of Pickit Korea’s sales have been to small and medium-sized manufacturing companies. In particular, when small and medium-sized manufacturing companies introduce robots that minimize existing feeders or machinery, Pickit’s solutions have always been highly beneficial. There are many companies that have realized faster ROI by minimizing or eliminating related machinery after introducing 3D robot vision. In addition, in the case of small and medium-sized manufacturing companies, the manpower to manage robots and vision is actually scarce, so Pickit saves a lot of time and money in terms of management, minimizing robot teaching and making it easier to change products.

Pickit 3D Vision software allows users to easily modify and config based on different needs. Picture from Pickit

The Future of Pickit 3D Vision

The future of Pickit 3D vision looks promising. According to market research reports, the average annual growth rate of the 3D vision market is about 10-15%. Pickit Korea expects to achieve an annual growth rate of 30% this year, which is double the expected figure. As smart automation that does not require teaching is expected to be implemented in various robot automation projects in the future, Pickit believes that the growth trend of the 3D vision market is limitless.

Furthermore, the company plans to develop a solution that minimizes the robot teaching process. If Pickit’s vision is realized, the robotic teaching process will be eliminated in the future 3D vision industry. This will be a game-changer for the manufacturing industry, as it will significantly reduce the time and resources needed for robot automation.

Potential Challenges for Pickit 3D Vision

While Pickit 3D Vision offers many advantages, there are still some potential challenges that need to be addressed. One of the biggest challenges is the robustness of the technology. In complex industrial environments, there may be challenges in detecting and recognizing objects accurately, which could lead to errors in the automation process. Moreover, while the system is designed to be easy to use, it still requires some technical expertise to operate effectively, which could be a barrier for small and medium-sized enterprises with limited technical resources.

Another potential challenge is the cost of implementing Pickit 3D Vision. While Pickit claims that its solutions are cost-effective, the initial investment required to deploy the technology could be a significant barrier for some companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises.


Overall, Pickit 3D Vision has the potential to revolutionize the manufacturing industry by making it easy and convenient to deploy robotic automation while maximizing flexibility. With successful implementations in various industries, including automotive and aerospace, Pickit is being recognized as a solution leader in the 3D vision space. However, as with any new technology, there are potential challenges that need to be addressed, including the robustness of the technology and the initial investment required for deployment.

If Pickit can address these challenges and continue to innovate, it has the potential to become the core of the robot automation solution that strengthens the competitiveness of the Korean manufacturing industry. As more and more companies embrace smart automation, Pickit 3D Vision could be the key to unlocking the full potential of the manufacturing industry in the years to come.

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